Cuban Blend
Cuban Blend gives vape enthusiasts the flavors that they would expect if they were enjoying a high-quality Cuban cigar. This flavor is anything but timid, providing a bold blend of strong tobacco flavor notes. On the inhale, the tongue is hit with the intense taste of Cuban tobacco. On the exhale, the sweetness from the tobacco leaves creeps up, rounding out the flavor perfectly.
American Patriot
American Patriot embodies everything that?s good about American tobacco crops. For those who enjoy the classic and familiar taste of American cigarettes, this vape juice delivers all that and more. On the inhale, pure, unadulterated American tobacco flavor satisfies the taste buds. On the exhale, a surprising burst of caramel bourbon flavor coats the tongue.
Euro Gold
For fans of light cigarettes, Euro Gold delivers a tame yet satisfying level of pure tobacco flavor. Not as strong as the other two vape juice flavors, Euro Gold is perfect for those who love the taste of tobacco with the edge taken off. On the inhale, vape enthusiasts will feel like they?re puffing on their favorite cigarette brand. On the exhale, the subtle sweetness will provide balance to this high-quality vape juice flavor.
Polarbreeze / Melon
Frostbite combines an assortment of refreshing summer fruits with a cooling hit of menthol that?s perfect on a hot summer day. When you inhale Frostbite, your taste buds will be titillated by bold pineapple flavor combined with sweet honeydew melon. Quickly, the ice-cold hit of menthol will soothe your throat. On the exhale, sweet cantaloupe will round out this delicious flavor.
Brain Freeze / Strawberry Pom
If you like your menthol flavors with a side of tangy fruits, this one is for you. Brain Freeze starts off with sweet strawberries and tangy kiwis on the inhale. As the flavor develops, powerful menthol flavor will make its presence known. On the exhale, delicious pomegranate shocks the taste buds in the best way possible.
Very Cool / Berry
Like an incredibly satisfying cocktail, Very Cool mixes ripe berries with refreshing mint. The result is a stunning balance of sweet, cool and tart. On the inhale, a blend of freshly-picked blueberries, raspberries and strawberries coat the palate while a strong hit of ice cools down the throat. On the exhale, the tartness of the berries develops and mixes with refreshing mint flavor.
Lava Flow
Inspired by sinfully sweet fruit cocktails, Lava Flow combines tropical fruit flavors that will transport you to a gorgeous exotic island. On the inhale, you?ll be stricken by a tantalizing balance of sweet strawberry, tangy pineapple and creamy, complex coconut that will continue to dance around the palate until you exhale.
Hawaiian POG
If you catch yourself daydreaming about a vacation in beautiful Hawaii, Hawaiian Pog is for you. On the inhale, yummy guava and passion fruit will wake up your taste buds. On the exhale, tangy and sweet orange will round out the flavor.
All Melon
All Melon is made for melon fanatics. On the inhale, the refreshing taste of honeydew combines beautifully with sweet cantaloupe. As you exhale, cool and sugary watermelon takes over.
Green Blast / Melon Kiwi
Green Blast mixes a variety of fruits to blend sweet, tangy and tart perfectly. As you inhale, your taste buds will be teased by tart green apples and kiwi. On the exhale, surprisingly refreshing honeydew mixed with rich cream balances out the flavor.
Amazing Mango / Mango
Mixing sinfully sweet mango with refreshing peach, Amazing Mango is bursting with fruity flavor. On the inhale, tropical mango asserts itself as the exhale delivers the sensational taste of juicy peaches.
Very Berry /Berry
For berry lovers, Very Berry delivers a blend of juicy, ripe berries with a hint of lemon to balance out the sweetness. On the inhale, blueberries and blackberries wake up the taste buds with their sweet and tart taste. On the exhale, sugar-coated lemon takes the edge off the sweetness, giving this vape juice a beautiful balance of flavor notes.
Sour Sweet(Green Lemon)
Sour Sweet from Naked 100?s Candy collection is certainly not for the faint of heart. This vape juice flavor delivers intense lime taste topped with fearlessly sour sugar. When you inhale Sour Sweet, your taste buds will be awoken instantly by the intensity of the sour sugar. On the exhale, cool and refreshing lime will balance out the flavor with its sweet citrus notes.
Yummy Strawberry
Did you spend hours as a kid chewing on strawberry bubblegum? Yummy strawberry from Naked 100?s Candy collection provides vape enthusiasts with this beloved taste minus the sugar. On the inhale, the iconic flavor of bubblegum will coat your taste buds, transporting you back to a simpler time. On the exhale, the stunning strawberry flavor will tantalize your tongue with its tart, sweet and tangy notes.
Berry Belts(Straw Lime)
Who doesn?t remember those endless belts of sweet and sour candy from childhood? Luckily, we can still enjoy this sweet treat with Berry Belts vape juice. On the inhale, rich strawberry flavor mixed with sugary sweetness dazzles the palate. On the exhale, sourness from zesty lime balances out the sweetness of the strawberries, resulting in a perfectly-balanced flavor reminiscent of classic candy.
Unicorn / Strawberry
Naked Unicorn blends perfectly ripe strawberries with smooth and seductive cream flavor. For those who crave strawberries and cream on a regular basis, this sinfully sweet and rich vape juice flavor is mind-blowing. On the inhale, the familiar taste of juicy strawberries explodes on the tongue. On the exhale, rich and slightly tangy cream balances out the intense sweetness of the fruity flavor.
Azul Berries
Who doesn?t adore berries and cream? Azul Berries blends together rich creaminess with blueberries and raspberries. When you inhale Azul Berries, your tongue will be taken over by tart and sweet notes of authentic berry goodness. On the exhale, subtle vanilla notes will develop and the rich cream flavor will dominate, leaving you craving more as your mouth waters.
Go Nanas / Banana
Go Nanas delivers an unapologetic punch of real banana flavor. If the taste of ripe, creamy bananas keeps you up at night, this flavor is for you. When you first inhale Go Nana’s vape juice, your tongue will be dazzled by the most intense banana flavor imaginable. As you exhale Go Nana’s vape juice, rich creamy notes will take over, toning down the sweetness and intensity of the banana just enough to create a perfectly balanced combination of flavor notes in your
With every taste, TEXAS RETAIL VAPES pledges to please customers. Each tropical, sweet, or tangy taste is certain to be a hit when made with high-quality ingredients. Using TEXAS RETAIL VAPES’ online store, you may find the ideal PRODUCT and have it delivered right to your door. Enjoy vaping’s freshness.
WARNING:-This product can expose you to nicotine, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. This product is not recommended for pregnant women or people with cardiovascular issues. Always ensure that any E-Juice is kept out of reach from children and pets.
Nicotine | 3 MG, 6 MG |
Flavor | All Melon, American Patriots, Apple, Azul Berries, Banana, Berry, Cuban Blend, Euro Gold, Hawaiian POG, Lava Flow, Lemon, Mango, Maui Sun, Melon, Melon Kiwi, Peach, Pineapple Berry, Really Berry, Straw Lime, Strawberry, Strawberry POM |
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